Salted chocolate granola bars

Salted Chocolate Granola Bars
Salted Chocolate Granola Bars

I was becoming a bit bored of granola for breakfast so I decided to make granola bars instead (basically the same thing, but with added chocolate and more sugar – how very nutritious). They’re basically a fruit and nut flapjack laced with salted dark chocolate, coconut and golden syrup. I mean, what’s not to like? To be honest, they’re nowhere near as calorific as they could be, but even if they were, who cares? It’s six weeks until Christmas and there’s not a bikini in sight. So dig out the elasticated trousers and stock up on Tums because the build up to Christmas has officially started, with elevenses.
I’ve made two versions, the first is a fruity and chocolatey version and the second a nuttier oats concoction. Both have the same method just different ingredients.

Salted chocolate granola bars
Makes 10-12 bars/ Hands on time 15 mins / Total time 35 mins / 
150g mixed nuts and dried fruit, I used Sainsbury’s SO Organic Fruit & Nut Mix
4 tbs desiccated coconut
30g mixed seeds
120g rolled oats
30g puffed rice cereal
½ tsp sea salt flakes
70g dark chocolate, I use Green & Black’s.
50g soft brown sugar (or any sugar you have)
100g Golden Syrup
75g unsalted butter

Nutty granola bars 
Makes 10-12 bars/ Hands on time 15 mins / Total time 35 mins / 
150g mixed nuts
3 tbs desiccated coconut
1 tbs pumpkin seeds
1 tbs sunflower seeds
125g rolled oats
½ tsp sea salt flakes
50g soft brown of muscovado sugar
50g honey
1 tbs maple syrup
50g unsalted butter
1/2 tsp vanilla essence 

1. Preheat the oven to 160°C/140°C/300°F/gas mark 3.
2. In a large bowl, combine all the dry ingredients together in a bowl and put to one side (I like to keep my nuts whole but if you prefer smaller pieces, then roughly chop them before adding them to the mix).
3. In a small saucepan over a low heat, melt all the wet ingredients together until combined.  4. Pour the warm sweet butter over the dry mixture and stir until evenly coated.
5. Line a baking dish with baking paper and grease the sides with a little butter. Pour in the mixture and spread to the edges using the back of a spoon and pat down firmly.
6. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.
7. Once cooked, cool fully in the dish before turning out and cutting into bars.
8. Wrap individually in baking paper and store in the freezer. Defrost when needed –although they taste pretty great frozen.

Salted Chocolate Granola Bars

If you’ve had a go at making any of my recipes, I’d love to hear from you. Follow me now @corrieheale and tag your recipe pictures using #corriesrabbitfood.

V– Vegetarian   – Suitable for home freezing. Wrap bars individually in a few layers of cling film and freeze for up to 3 months.